Franchi Serial Number Lookup 3,6/5 7993 reviews
  1. Franchi Shotgun Model Identification
  2. Older Franchi Shotgun Models
Franchi Serial Number Lookup
I hope some of you are shotgun experts. I've a L A Luigi Franchi Brescia 12 gauge semiauto that I've been trying to determine just what it is. It has engraved quail on the left side of the receiver, and engraved pheasants on the other side. It has a 32' vent rib barrel. I believe it was made in the early 50's. The left side of the barrel near the breach end has S. A. Luigi Franchi Brescia Made in Italy Proof testedfor 3' Magnum stamped. The right side of the breach end of the barrel is stamped Stoeger Arms Corporation New York.
The under side of the breach end is stamped English Steel Co. H. F. C. N. (I think, it is written is script) Supercromato.
Also stamped on the bottom is Ky 1,205 20,3 with 76 stamped below the 20,3 ; 17,5 with 18,4 stamped below the 17, 5 ; then there is a couple of symbols, and the Letters PSF and xii.
I think this may be what is called a Crown Grade, but????
Does anyone know what I have, or can point to Shotgun identification site?
Thanks in advance,

Franchi Shotgun Model Identification

I doubt the S-prefixed number on your barrel is the serial number. If your barrel has a serial number, it will appear in the barrel ring like this: FN stopped matching the barrel's serial numbers to the receiver's in 1953, and I believe later barrels had no serial number. /avg-vpn-free-serial-key.html. They had numbers, but not serial numbers. The Franchi semi-automatic shotgun is made in Brescia, Italy, by the firm of Luigi Franchi. The action design is based upon the time-tested Browning long-recoil system. Both steel and lightweight-alloy receiver models are offered in 12- and 20-ga. /download-comsol-53.html. Standard and magnum chamberings are optional in either gauge. Franchi Brescia Italy 12 GA model 612S Description: Franchi Brescia Italy Model 612VS,12 Gauge, weight 7 3/4# The synthetic stock has a rubber recoil pad.

Older Franchi Shotgun Models

  1. Year of manufacture for Franchi SPAS-12 based on serial number? The serial number is AA16282. Does anyone know how to identify the year of manufacture?
  2. The Franchi automatic will not feed shells from magazine to chamber by manual pumping of the breech bolt because it is designed with an automatic cut-off. When the chamber is empty you may then rest assured that it is impossible for the barrel to reload even if the breech closes accidentally.
  3. For the search to work, please enter your serial number in all UPPERCASE letters and numbers with no spaces between the characters. Be certain to not confuse numeric and alphabetic characters, such as O's for zeros or we will be unable to locate your serial number. Only enter the serial number and no additional information. Do not insert spaces between any character in your serial number.
  4. My father-in-law needs an ID on his Franchi sporting clay gun. It's at least 19 years old, which puts it outside the current Franchi USA/Benelli/Browning? Catalog and serial number records. It's a break-action 12-Ga. O/U with 30' vent-ribbed barrels marked 'S.p.A. LUIGI FRANCHI BRESCIA Made in Italy Field'.